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If you want a personalized training plan
If you need advice
If you don't even know where to start

What can I help you with?

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Personal training

The purpose of personal training is for you to learn the basic rules and connections of training through a personalized program, taking into account your individual abilities.

As a coach, I help you learn the correct way to perform the exercises and help you to continuously maintain motivation.

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Nutrition counseling

Many people think that healthy eating restricts you to uniform and strict rules.

If you're tired of not being able to achieve long-lasting, long-term sustainable results with the help of any miracle diet, and you want to learn the basics of a healthy, balanced diet, then you've come to the right place.

inzulin rezisztencia Fitness

A complete lifestyle change

The key to long-term success is a complete lifestyle change. This includes regular preventive physical exercise and balanced quality nutrition. If you have already made a decision, but lack support and professional assistance, feel free to contact me!


I am Boglárka Sõreginé Budai, personal trainer.


Sports have been an integral part of my life since I was a child. I did gymnastics in the Ferencváros gymnastics club, and during my high school years I played floorball and competitive vaulting.

I was introduced to fitness thermal conditioning in the traditional sense in my early 20s, when I was diagnosed with insulin resistance, PCOS and hirsutism as a result of an overworked, stressful and sedentary lifestyle.

On the recommendation of my endocrinologist, instead of medication, I opted for a healthy lifestyle, which after the initial difficulties brought very positive results and changes in my life.

Thanks to this change, I slowly realized that I don't have to follow a temporary diet, but I have to build a healthy balanced life, in which sport is not suffering - or a task to be done - and the foods I eat are not at all monotonous, compromises full of sacrifices.

As a result of the lifestyle change, I managed to balance my hormonal balance, as a result of which the unpleasant symptoms of PCOS/insulin resistance also disappeared, and I also got rid of about 21 kg of excess body weight.

 It may be surprising, but I still look positively on the fact that I had to deal with these.

I gained such experiences about the disease and the healing process that can be easily integrated into my work, so I can give even more authentic advice and help to all those who have similar problems.

My goal is not only to provide a traditional physical training, but also to support you in developing a health-conscious lifestyle, in achieving a physical-mental balance and in learning a training method that suits your abilities, so that the goal you have set is not only achieved, but also sustainable in the long term.



and that

Thank you for contacting me, I will contact you soon. :)


Struve Fitness

Budapest, Klapka u. 17-19, 1134

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